Friday, December 12, 2008

Gring Mode

Have you ever wondered what Trick Daddy would sound like on a Postal Service song? I haven't, but I found out anyway. Please note: hyper-melodic singing of phrase "Big Ole Titties."

Gring Mode–Ecstacy ft. Trick Daddy

I got this track off a mix called "Jook & Vibe" posted over at MadDecent. The mix itself is kind of horrible, unless you really want to listen to reiterations of that song "Get Low" for 40 minutes. You can thank me later.

What have we learned from this? Ben Hibbard can die and we will all probably survive, providing that crappy hip hop music continues to fill what I refer to as "the wuss gap." 

Friday, December 5, 2008

Flute Juice

God Damn. This was totes going to be the name of teh new Gay Science EP.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Flying Lotus is better than you

Flying Lotus has a horrible name. Really. Look at it and you think that you are about to listen to some sort of, if you are lucky, New Age yoga music. Then you read more and you are like, "Oh, instrumental hip hop? I will just file that with my turntablist the trash, zing!" It turns out that Flying Lotus is some of the hottest shit out right now AND he is from the Valley. Go figure. This dude is Alice Coltrane's nephew and he makes some serious headphone music that manages to not be, well, headphone music. His tracks always seem to have some weird squirmy shit going on in them, definitely worth listening to. So here I post for you, loyal reader, a mix and a few videos. Beware, the last video is NSFW in a big, very troubling way. 

Two hours of the Xtreme hotness. Go to the Mad Decent blog for the tracklist.

Interview for XLR8R TV, wherein FL proves that he is, in fact, a "serious artist."

Finally, the video for Parisian Goldfish. NSFfuckingW, yo.