That song, "Im every woman" by Whitney Houston is one of my all time favorite songs. No joke. I remember when this song was rhulllll big and it got mad stuck in my head and all I ever wanted to do was sing it as loud as I could. This was definitely in the period of my life (puberty) where it was not awesome to go around singing Whitney Houston all the time. And that was probably the first time I wondered if I was gay. But not the last. Oh snap!! I keed, I keed. But seriously this Vandalism remix just brings back that whole strange attraction that Whitney had. Wherefore hath thou gone, Whitney?
Check Vandalism's Myspace, too, cause they have a baller-ass remix of Rihanna that I keep meaning to drop on one of my non-existent DJ mixes.
Whitney Huston-I'm Every Woman (VNDLSM RMX)
Remix linked from Palmsout
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