Friday, May 16, 2008

Campaign Song Roundup

So like all sane Americans I am a Barack Obama supporter. I began as an Edwards man, but then the capitalist war machine (or something) took him out, so I switched my support to Obama. The whole time I kep this a secret from John Edwards because he is mean ass drunk. So now Obama has Edwards' support and all is right in the world. One of the reasons that I  like Obama is that, somehow, he has the enviable talent of inspiring random people to write him totally not shitty songs about him. Hillary not so much. Let's take a look:
1) This song by TI$A also has the participation of Daedelus. This video is shot in Venice beach, so they are repping Obama and LA. h0ll3r!

2) Let's not forget the Obama reggaeton song, the only reggaeton song I have listened to in about 2 years.

3) This track, by Keith From Up Da Block is a parody of the classic Din Da Da. Don't sleep on this dude's cover art either. Fucking class.

4) We finally come to my personal favorite: an Obama song recorded by the inimitable Cocoa Tea. I FUCKING LOVE COCOA TEA. Check out the preview and buy them shits at TTL.

Let's be fair, though, Hillary does have a song. Guess who sang it? CELINE FUCKING DION. A CANADIAN SUCKFEST.

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